How to 'MAINTAIN' Your Sobriety This Holiday Season


'MAINTAIN' your sobriety

I am a Sober Professional. I live in a world where I primarily interact with those who like to partake in the Holiday Cheer! There have been numerous times where I would go to a party, and feel isolated amongst a throng of people. Many would discourage you from going to parties, and if you do feel that you will put your sobriety at risk, then by all means, please don't risk it! I would like to share with you my MAINTAIN STRATEGY FOR STAYING SOBER, and enjoying the party!

MOCKTAIL! This is your nonalcoholic social drink, a.k.a. "what you hold in your hand at business functions." I suggest seltzer, tonic water, or juice. For those of you watching your caloric intake, try seltzer with just a splash of juice for a treat. Only you will be aware of the contents in your glass. While you may feel that everyone is inspecting, chances are they are concerned about their own selves.

AWAY! Drive yourself - whenever possible. This way you can leave when your time is right. Making an appearance does not mean you have to close the place.

INVOLVE - Check in with your support and share your concerns. Don't go it alone.

NETWORK - Do your job! Remember your purpose is business, so maximize your business opportunities. You will be amazed at how you can set yourself above the others when your purpose is to use this time for relationship building with a specific plan. This equals more business.

TELL ONLY WHAT YOU WANT - Do not feel compelled to over explain. Many people do not drink at business functions. Some find it helpful to have a few scripts as explanation. A few examples: I don't drink, I am driving, I am all set for now, thank you.

ANTICIPATE QUESTIONS AND HAVE PREPARED ANSWERS - Again, no need to over explain. Practice your answers with your trusted ally. Don't forget, you don't owe anyone an explanation for why you don't want to drink with them

INITIATE REDIRECT - Turn the conversation over to their favorite topic...themselves! If appropriate, find something to compliment them on, and start there. Get out of your own way!

NO THANK YOU - Perfect response. Enough said.

If you are newly sober, going to social and business functions can be especially challenging if there is going to be alcohol served. If you don't feel strong enough to be around it, by all means don't risk your sobriety. If you plan to go, however,these coping skills will help you maintain your wellness and your professional position. You may enjoy yourself more, and even climb a few rungs of the corporate ladder!

Living One Day at a Time can be so much more festive when you apply the BOLD day principles to your life, like our MAINTAIN tool. If you liked this Report, you will love our more comprehensive plans for BOLD WELLTH. Please visit for more information on Business Success in Sobriety, including the all new ebook:"BOLD 'WELLTH', Business Success in Recovery.

Make it a BOLD day!

Kate Lanagan MacGregor
Life and Business Development for the Entrepreneur in Recovery and Beyond!

Original article

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