How Our Obsession With Celebrities Fuels The Drug Culture

In today's celebrity obsessed culture it is easy to become enamored with the glamorous lifestyles of movie stars and rock gods. They look how we want to look, act how we'd like to act, seem smart, capable and friendly. However, a staggering number of these modern day idols are succumbing to the pressures fame can induce by turning to drugs and alcohol. Brazenly flaunting their vices to the masses, this phenomenon is having a startling effect on our society. Drug addiction is not something to be glorified or admired, as is done so often on television or in movies, but to be confronted. Drug rehabilitation needs to be seen as a necessary step to recovery as opposed to a trending topic on reality television.

Impressionable Kids

People love to follow celebrity gossip through tabloids, television and internet blogs. Unfortunately, some of the information contained in these outlets aren't true. Famous people can have their problems blown way out of proportion many different ways. Kids see how they are living their lives and want to imitate. If they see Lindsay Lohan or Britney Spears out at night partying with drugs and alcohol they will do they exact same thing. Ultimately, parents must keep watch over their children so they do not fall into these destructive patterns.

Celebrity Rehab

When celebrities hit rock bottom and go to rehab people become even more obsessed with their lives. They seem so interesting compared to most peoples mundane lives. There are even reality television shows on air that deal with this very subject. People want to see celebrities confront their issues in front of a camera so they can gossip about them even more. This is a recent phenomenon that is very unhealthy for our country.


Unlike normal people who need to seek rehabilitation, celebrities are able to afford luxury treatment facilities. People get the impression, from seeing these places on television, that rehab is a glamorous experience. The reality could not be further from the truth. In fact, rehab is one of the toughest things a person can ever go through. Society needs to wake up to the fact that a drug addiction is not the latest fashion accessory.


The mainstream media, namely the paparazzi, need to stop reporting such inane stories about celebrities and their alleged drug use. It fosters a fascination that serves no purpose other than making drug use seem more normal. It is confusing for a young person to see their favorite celebrity using drugs while maintaining a successful career that is endorsed by the media. It makes it seem like there is nothing wrong with what they are doing.

Help From Family

People who have regular nine to five jobs live very different lifestyles from the celebrities out in Hollywood. They do not have the money in most cases to cultivate and maintain a serious drug habit. If they do, they surely will not have the money for expensive, resort like treatment centers they see on television. It is important for people to realize what they see on television and read in tabloids does not accurately reflect real life. If a person fails to understand this it will make them think it is okay to have a hard partying lifestyle.

Our nation's obsession with celebrities has spilled over into an obsession with their drug habits. Young people want to imitate what they see their favorite celebrities doing, even if includes very harmful behavior. We need to, as a society, educate people that drug addiction is not something to be admired. Drug rehabilitation is critical for individuals dealing with an addiction so that they can begin the recovery process.

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Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers - Mental Disorder Combined With Substance Abuse

A dual diagnosis is when someone develops or has a substance abuse problem along with a mental disorder, such as being bipolar, or experiencing intense anxiety, or depression. In these types of situations it is best to seek out a dual diagnosis treatment center so that they can come up with a program that is suitable to your needs. These institutions will create a program that is specialized for your specific situation.

It is not uncommon for people with mental disorders to also develop substance abuse issues. They go hand in hand.Some people with mental disorders end up relying on drugs to reduce their mental disorder symptoms. This is especially common with schizophrenics. The drugs they use reduce their symptoms and after a while they become addicted. In contrast, some people with substance abuse problems end up with mental disorders due to the lack of serotonin it creates in the brain. When this happens it creates disorders such as depression and anxiety.

When you attend a dual diagnosis treatment center they tend to both issues simultaneously instead of disregarding one issue. These types of centers allow you to kill two birds with one stone. They are very helpful and very professional. They work with you at a slower pace or a pace that you feel comfortable with. A lot of these institutions even have aftercare programs in the case of a relapse. The success rate of these centers are higher than the success rate of a normal treatment center if someone is suffering from substance abuse and a mental disorder. If you are not sure if you suffer from a mental disorder or think you might you may want to consult your physician so that they can determine your status.

These integrated centers are equipped with the staff and equipment necessary for the highest probability of success when dealing with a dual diagnoses. They have psychiatric specialist and professionals that have years of experience with drug rehab and alcohol abuse patients. They work together to make sure that you are getting the help you need. If you check with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration you will find a list of certified and licensed dual diagnosis treatment centers offered to you in your area. I'm sure they even have some available for young adults and adolescence as well if you are a parent looking to help your child.

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A Couple Of Things Every Parent Should Know About Teenage Drug Use

Teenage drug abuse for teenagers has become ever more prevalent in the United States in the past couple of years. It is an issue that every parent has to worry about today. Fifty years ago the thought of children using drugs was almost unheard of;however, in today's day and age innocence is taken early and kids are subject to the influence of the media.

If you are reading this, you are probably a parent that is concerned about your teenagers addiction and substance abuse problems or you may be trying to find out if they are on drugs and are looking for signs that you should be aware of. In this article, I will cover all of this.

Teenage Drug Use Symptoms

Here are a couple of indicators that your child may be using drugs.

Indicators of Marijuana usage:

- Red Eyes

- Forgetfulness

- dilated pupils

- Noticeable change in motivation

Indicators of Cocaine usage:

-Nose bleeds

-Frequent mood swings


-Reoccurring anxiety attacks

- Rapid heartbeat


- Eyes bloodshot and wide open

- Speech is faster than normal

Indicators of Heroin Usage:

- Seem to give a lost look to the consumer

- Shallow breathing

- Apathetic and lethargic behavior

- Losing interest in friends and hobbies

- Engaging in criminal activities or reckless behavior to support their habit.

-Constricted pupils

Indicators of Crystal Meth Usage:

- Euphoric State


-Increased Nervousness

- Loss of Appetite

- Dry itchy skin

- Picking at skin

- Sweating without physical activity

-Increased body temperature

Indicators of Steroid Usage:

- Discoloration of urine or blood in urine

- Rapid Muscle Growth

- Bloating and Night Sweating

- Joint Pain

- Extreme appetite shift

- Yellowing of the skin

- Hair loss

- Acne breakouts on back and shoulders

-Extreme mood swings

- Aggression

-Very Irritable

Teenage Drug Use Effects

The effects of teenage drug use consist of physical, social, and phycological elements. One of the most notable physical aspects of drug use is the change of appearance. A lot of drugs cause the loss of weight. They also tend to increase irritability in a lot of people. The continuous use of drugs over a long period of time also create the increased likelihood of disease to come about. A good example of this comes from drug abusers that share needles and end up contracting HIV. Aside from the increased probability of being diagnosed with diseases created from external factors such as needles, there is also an increased probability of being diagnosed of many diseases that start within. Some of these diseases include heart disease, dementia, liver disease, and many different types of cancer.

Furthermore, a lot of teens get started with drugs due to peer pressure and the need to be cool, popular, and fit in with the rest of their friends. It is rather ironic, but once someone gets addicted to these drugs, they often find that the drug itself is the only friend they have. They isolate themselves from family and friends and spend all of their time with the drug. This is why it is crucially important for parents to talk to their children about drugs and the consequences that can result from using them.

By definition, drugs are a chemical compound that are used to alter ones state of mind. People use them to forget about their problems and to feel happy, after a while, the need to use them to feel happy is replaced by the need to feel normal. Long term phycological effects of drug use result in a complete change of personality, and sometimes result in mental breakdowns and schizophrenia.

If you are a parent that is looking for teenage drug treatment and teenage rehab centers there are many options available. You can look into detoxification, residential rehabilitation, an intensive outpatient program, or an aftercare/continuing care program.

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Going to an Alcohol Rehab Center

And so, if you are going to be looking into the services of an alcohol rehab center, all you need to remember is that entering a rehab center is going to be half the battle.

While the door leading you in may be tough to get through, the door you leave out of is going to be twice as difficult. You will be leaving a comforting surrounding where your addiction was being handled and you will be returning to the place where your addiction began. One needs to have a support staff on the outside that will be willing to hear them out at difficult crossroads and show them the way back to recovery. Without that, it will be impossible to stay sober and keep your life on the path you fought for.

Without question, the most centrally concerning aspect of going to an alcohol rehab center, and therefore successfully making your way out of an alcohol rehab center, is what you will do with your life away from your treatment facility.

There are many reasons for this, but let's begin with the overriding situation that will be in hand. Once out of the treatment facility, you will be faced with everything you had left behind, meaning potentially a life that is still in shambles, and you will have to do so without the crutch you once had to lean on, without the help of a chemical dependency.

So, the situation could realistically appear as so. You are at your old house or apartment and you realize you have not been working and so are probably low on money if you have a job at all. You owe your treatment facility money, and you owe money to continue living in the comforts you once were. All the friends and family members you probably once could have relied on if you found yourself out of work and a home are no sworn against you because the last version you showed of yourself was an addict.

And, to top it all off, if you even think about getting another sip of alcohol, you may find yourself knocked off the lowest level peg you had just spent months climbing onto.

That does not sounds so welcoming and so you must keep in mind that as hard as rehab is, you have something even more difficult waiting on the other side, and so you will need to line up as many friendly faces as possible, and you will have to begin a line of support to prop you up in place of your old chemical dependency. Keep your eye on that very real prize, and say hello to your new life. You're sober. You're safe.

All this being the case, you might have a lot to handle you were not expecting, but have no fear. An alcohol rehab center will no doubt show you the ropes, just be prepared to work for it, and everything will come out smoothly. Or at least, everything will come out, and you can't short change that.

Alice is a nurse for a alcohol rehab center with a passion for treating alcohol & drug addiction.

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People Don't Lose Weight On Diets Of Emotional Deprivation

We have finite energy stores to manage our lives. If we spend an inordinate amount of time planning our meals, cooking, eating and sadly, recovering from episodes of over indulgence, we may not have enough energy left for other matters of importance. Over dependence on one form of nutrients does not adequately compensate for others. Self-deprivations increase our appetites for more readily available substitutes. Too much of one good thing never satisfies unfulfilled appetites for others. This is the anatomy of disordered eating

Satisfactions that require patience, frustration tolerance, self- discipline, and emotional courage may become habitually forsaken for the easy fix. One legal easy fix that we can't live without is food. The dangers in taking such an easy way out are as follows: 1) We train our minds to deceive us and confuse emotional hunger for physical hunger. 2) The more frequently we take the easy way out the more our emotional muscles atrophy. What we don't use and develop, we lose. We lose our willingness and abilities to persevere and learn new and more adaptive behaviors. A negative spiral of chronic unhappiness with ourselves leads to depression which reinforces self-defeating patterns of eating. What may have started as a cure-all for all that ailed us becomes a larger and larger problem especially when it becomes a symptom of depression.

Psychotherapy can be a powerful antidote to abusive eating. First, a competent therapist is trained to read between the patient's verbal lines, and put non verbal communications into words. We help patients decipher and tease out physical hunger from myriad forms of emotional hunger for concern, admiration, validation, comfort, encouragement, etc.. Patients learn to accept, normalize and develop strategies for meeting needs which previously shrouded in darkness, fueled unending hunger for food. Second, a caring therapist by meeting needs affirms the patient as a deserving recipient. These transactions reduce anxieties over efforts to meet such needs outside the office. Third, the consistent and predictable reliability, concern, comfort and acceptance of the therapist gets internalized by the patient. Identifications with the therapist will translate to higher levels of self-efficacy and self-care which neutralize patterns of self-abusive eating that previously reinforced messages of low self worth.

I'm reminded of a young man I'll call Jim I worked with years ago who obsessed about food and controlling his dependence on food. He presented with social anxieties as he was fearful of losing control of desperate urges to merge with and be cared for by others. These wishes were mingled with fears that in doing so, he would be exploited and hurt. To avoid reacting to impulses to dive into a relationship should he catch the eye of some attractive woman, Jim developed the following strategy to protect him from himself. This lonely young man attended mixers after work on an empty stomach. He rationalized not eating to save money. Jim's fears of being rejected as too needy and too immature to meet a woman's needs, left him painfully self-conscious. Often, Jim withdrew into a preoccupation with the irritability, impatience, and fatigue borne of hunger. Fantasies about returning to his empty apartment, relaxing and cooking his favorite meal won favor over starting a conversation with anyone. As predictable as the dawning day, Jim would leave these functions after 30 minutes or so. Any pangs of regret were as short lived as the flash of an expiring light bulb. Psychotherapy changed his life by changing his relationship to eating. Jim used to live to eat, and now he eats to live well. Maybe, his inspiring story may inspire you to write your own inspiring story of recovery.

If you would like to learn more about the process of psychotherapy and how it can open up you up to new possibilities for relating joyfully and meaningfully to others please visit my website at and click on The "About Me" page.

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New Hope for Alcoholics Put Off by the God Stuff in AA

Alcoholics Anonymous has a lot of talk about God in its 12 steps and eponymous handbook known as the Big Book. But there was no god involved in the creation of the AA program. The whole concept was built on helping each other. Bill W helped Dr Bob to get sober and then they both tried to help other drunks, but had little early success. Nevertheless the point was that in helping each other, and the joint attempt to help others, they stayed sober themselves.

A great agnostic Albert Einstein said: "To help each other. That is the answer to the question 'Why are we here'."

To AA's credit it is adamant that its program is non-religious, but that doesn't stop US Christians hijacking its meetings. It is such a pity that this puts off many prospects for AA membership who would otherwise have been helped to sober up. That is why AA meetings are there, so that members can help each other get sober - not as a platform for the ravings of religious nuts. But little is done to stop them because they can hide behind the idea that god is their greater power and helps to keep them off the bottle.

It seems that god crept into the equation because it was simply an idea woven so strongly into the social fabric of the USA that good clear thinkers were powerless against the thundering herd of muddled religious believers.

The idea that religious members can rely on a god as their greater power to guide them through the program is actually extremely dangerous. Believing that god will do the work for them, they may fail to do sufficient work in the program themselves to become contented, useful human beings. The crutch they believe in is entirely illusory.

Things are gradually changing. There are AAAA groups (Atheist and Agnostic Alcoholics Anonymous), freethinkers' groups and an increasing catalogue of non-AA-approved literature supporting these ideas.

The slogan of a freethinker in this regard is: "You have to do it yourself, but you don't have to do it alone." There are other AA members walking purposefully along the same path.

The USA's Christian majority holds such sway that for years one of the unofficial slogans in AA has been "Fake it to make it." This is an idea that if you're not sure whether there's a god to use as a greater power you can pretend there's one and complete the twelve steps successfully to stop drinking.

But this rather knocks on the head the idea of the AA program as honest, whereas rigorous honesty is advised. Therefore it would clearly be better for the fakers if they admitted they were unsure about god and called themselves agnostics. There are plenty of alternative greater powers they could pick such as energy, nature, the poetry of evolution...

All that one atheist twelve step program requires is that members choose a greater power that is big. Size is everything to help members realise how tiny they are in the scheme of things to help them downsize their overinflated egos. Other examples are a tree that a park-dwelling former drunk used to tell his troubles to and a Number Nine bus because it passed by the Coach & Horses pub which another member never could.

This program is the subject of Vince Hawkins new book: An Atheists Unofficial Guide to AA available on

Vince Hawkins is the author of An Atheists Unofficial Guide to AA and An Atheists Twelve Steps to Self-improvement - To Accompany Any Program.
They are both featured on
The idea of them is to widen the net to catch more people who can benefit from 12 Step programs. Each seeks to extend the catch to people who have trouble with the god stuff contained in the AA steps and the second one extends the net to non-addicts who seek help with bad behaviour.

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Overcoming Your Addictions

Most of us struggle with addiction in some form whether it be coffee, cigarettes, food, alcohol or even drugs. Beating these addictions are tough and most people have a hard time finding activities to keep our mind off them. Many are finding that horseback riding can help ease the pain of kicking these addictions.

Research now shows that horses can change your brain wave patterns. This is pretty exciting news for those suffering from addiction. Simply being around a horse will instill a sense of serenity and allow you to focus on present moments, taking your mind away from your addiction. This simple step in distancing your self from your addiction momentarily can allow you to have a clearer mind. This clarity points you in a direction of being able to focus on more productive areas of your life. Pretty interesting isn't it?

This isn't the only way that horses and riding are helping. Horses require you to be completely mindful of your actions and body language towards them. They are prey animals and don't take kindly to those who are not aware of their actions. This allows us to remain completely focused on the horse and our actions toward the horse. It takes great effort to stay mindful in their presence and you will find that your addiction is not on the forefront of your mind. Getting your addiction to take a backseat in your mind is incredibly beneficial. Your brain is only capable of thinking of so many things at once and if you are focused on staying mindful of the horse then you will simply forget about your addiction in working with horses.

A change in regular routine also help those trying to beat an addiction. Riding is certainly a change of routine for most who don't own horses. This change to a healthier routine distances you even further from your addiction. The more activities you can find which replace old habits the better off you will be!

Riding is also physically strenuous. This results in your body releasing feel good endorphins. These endorphins simulate the same endorphins released while smoking, snacking or drinking coffee. So the more you ride the better you will feel without having to go to your addiction!

See all the benefits horses can offer to you at your local stables or ask a friend who owns a horse to take you for a ride. I hope you can kick all your habits out of the barn!

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Looking for a Suitable Drug Addiction Treatment Center?

Are you looking for a suitable drug addiction treatment center for you or your family member? You might have to address many things before finalizing a particular drug rehab center. A lot of drug addicts get panicked at the thought of going through drug and alcohol treatment. Most of the time, they are afraid of the treatment methods that will make their life much simpler. Thus, choosing the right drug addiction treatment and a drug rehab center requires a lot of patience, diligence and investigation.

While deciding on a drug/alcohol rehabilitation center, there are a lot of factors to be considered. Therefore, it is good to carry out a thorough investigation in advance. It is good to be upfront about your situation and ask as many questions from the professionals as possible. This will eventually make your stay in the rehab center more productive.

Choosing a location or an area is the first and foremost issue to address. A peaceful location with a warm climate has many advantages. Therefore, rehab centers in Texas, Florida or Arizona are very popular choices and usually make for the best treatment center experience.

The second deciding factor is whether you prefer a gender specific or co-ed rehabilitation center. You will find programs that are specifically designed for men and other centers designed only for women. In addition, there are co-ed rehab centers providing treatment services for both men and women.

Most of the individuals looking for drug addiction treatment decide on co-ed facilities. Substance abuse programs in these centers are focused on the behavior, causes, values and social aspects of no particular gender - which, usually, proves to be more comprehensive and more supportive.

The next factor that plays an important role in choosing a drug rehab center is the emotional intelligence and stability of the person. You must consider whether you want to choose a spiritual rehab center, which centers on treating an individual through spirituality based on accepted spiritual teachings. Or you can opt for a holistic rehab center. Holistic treatment centers lay the groundwork for an unadulterated and clean way of life. Their substance abuse programs are based on meditation and yoga practices and they aim at reestablishing equilibrium and restoring balance of mind, body and soul.

Additionally, the duration of a program at any center should be given consideration. The most common programs lasts thirty, sixty or ninety days. The duration of a program also depends on the structure of the program. Every program has its own pros and cons, but one should give more preference to, "the longer - the better." A ninety day program gives you enough time for detoxification, counseling and support.

Every center has their unique programs with different time length. So you should choose the one that suits you and your requirements. Contacting the drug rehab centers and their treatment team support staff members is your first step towards a life of recovery- your family and friends want you to recover and to make a positive change in your life. Don't be afraid to ask for their support in making your decision!

Into Action Treatment, drug treatment center Florida is a newly remodeled, state of the art sanitary and safe facility. We prevent relapse through increased awareness, meditation, in-depth practical step work and a healthy healthy lifestyle. For more information on alcohol rehab visit

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The Six Stages of Recognizing You Are With An Addict

Being involved with an addict can be the most tumultuous and misunderstood situation we can go through. I know because I have been there. An addict will do most anything to uphold his/her addiction. The addiction becomes first and foremost in that person's life and all else will suffer because of it. It is a very difficult position to be in being we can hardly understand what is happening. The wonderful person that we met and fell in love with flipped almost overnight and we are left holding the remnants of how the relationship use to be and what we know is inevitably the end of that dream.

For those of you who may be questioning if your loved one has an addiction problem, I invite you to read what I refer to as: The Six Stages of Recognizing You are With an Addict.

Usually when I write articles I am so inspired and uplifted. However, writing this one initially left me feeling a little sad knowing that my brothers and sisters who will be reading this are on a strenuous roller coaster ride that seems to have no end. But soon enough that sadness switched to compassion, because the truth is, this is there are answers to this situation and you can overcome this difficulty. You can and will come out of this relationship healed and whole but the very first step is to recognize that you are indeed with an addict and then forge a positive forward movement from there.

The Six Stages of Recognizing You Are With An Addict:

1. Innocence- We are innocent to what is happening at this point. There are some signs and small red flags, but our innocence of the dynamics of addictions keeps us in the dark and not aware of what really is going on.

2. Blame- We are starting to see a problem and we begin to dialogue with our loved one. They may deny the problem or even blame us for their addiction of choice by saying things like: If you didn't stress me out so much I wouldn't have to drink, smoke dope etc. We naively start to believe on some level that we are a part of the problem or the cause of the problem. This is simply not true. It is not our fault.

3. Eyes Opening- Even after several conversations around the subject we continue to see a pattern of behavior or we notice our loved one attempting to now hide. The pattern is indeed there and our eyes are starting to open. We think: Oh no... This IS what I thought it is. He/she does have a problem that they are not admitting or wanting to overcome. I see this clearly now.

4. Searching- This is the stage where we "think" we can help. We begin searching for a solution to move this person past his/her addiction. We are sure there is a better way or a cure for the problem. We stop at nothing and do our best to find the solution. But the truth is, until the person wants to get clean, there is nothing we can do.

5. Acceptance- At this point we have settled into the fact that there really is nothing we can do. We've done everything we possibly could. We've tried our very best to move our loved one out of their destructive pattern of living. Nothing has worked. This is a good time to understand the three C's of Al-Anon. *I cannot control this *I did not create this *I cannot cure this. It is a sad time knowing that this is completely out of our hands, but at this stage, we have accepted the status quo.

6. Decision- It is time now for us to make a decision as to what we are going to do. Do I stay in this? Do I take my leave? Who am I going to be in the relationship- an enabler or a courageous person? What is best for me? Most often when we get to this point, we have given up the "dream" of life with our loved one in it and we are in the position to move forward. Although it is scary this is usually the best thing to do. The addict most often has to hit his/her bottom before getting help and your leaving could be that bottom for them. But we must make this healthy decision based solely on what is good for us, not in attempt to manipulate the addict. Remember, we have no control over them. Zero.

By attending many Al-Anon (relatives and family of addicts support group) I discovered that there are some things that we just cannot control and that is the behavior of an addict. Yes, he/she will throw you under the bus. Yes, he/she will lie repeatedly to you. Yes, you are not a priority. Yes, you are powerless over their addiction. This does not mean, however, that you are powerless over your own life. It means this is the time to take your power back and work on strengthening yourself. The dream of a life with them may be over for now, but that does not mean you cannot build and support a whole new dream!

Many blessing and much light to you, Kristen Brown

Kristen Brown is an empowerment coach, author and speaker. She has traveled the road of living with an addict and is sharing her wisdom here to help propel others forward in the uncomfortable and oftentimes crazy-making stages of determining if one's loved one is an addict. Since overcoming such obstacle in her own life, she feels passionate about assisting others to finding their own power in this type of situation.

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Addiction to Pornography - Why Life Feels Like a Waste

Addiction to pornography is a real problem not only in our culture but throughout the entire world. The argument against the adult industry usually falls back on ethics and morality. While this is important I want to take an unbiased look on how pornography destroys your life and it is often the reason you aren't accomplishing big things.

Sex is Our World

Nearly all people with an addiction are men so I will tailor this report towards them. As men EVERYTHING we do revolves around sex. Let's think about how this makes our world go round. We want sex from gorgeous women 24/7. Women enjoy saying no to us 24/7. This is a thing of beauty if you think about it. Because women have the choice in who they sleep with men are forced to achieve great things to separate themselves from the pack. This is the reason that men have conquered lands, play in rock bands, and write new computer software that make millions; all in order to draw women into their lives.

Now there is nothing wrong with this as God made us this way. It is our choice to use our sexual drive in a productive way that helps accomplish our calling in this life. In Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich, Hill analyzes the lives of hundreds of the world's richest men. He states that the most powerful incentive is sex and these men learned to use, what he calls, sex transmutation. Simply put, taking your sex drive and desire for gorgeous women and letting it drive you to do great things. The kicker: this entails not losing your sexual energy from masturbation and pornography. It destroys your drive for greatness.

Fat and Happy

So now you see how powerful the drive for sex is and how it inspires men to achieve great things. Now it is time to look at how pornography destroys you and keeps you from ever doing big things in your life. When you masturbate and use pornography it releases the same chemicals in the brain as a man who has had sex. Because you are a "mouse click away" to the same high as sex you tend to become "fat and happy" and do not find it necessary to push yourself to new limits to attract women. Often times, men who have no drive or ambition have an addiction to the adult industry.

If you are sick and tired of porn and the depressing effect it has on your life then you can start taking action today! First, you have to set goals for yourself and know what you want in life. If you try to quit but have no reason for quitting your addiction tends to come back ten times stronger. Whatever your passion is pursue it with no remorse. God gives you a talent for something and that is usually your calling in this life. Now think how you will take your passion and let it turn into an abundance of women. Once you have a clear cut plan go after it and when temptation rears its ugly head remember your dreams. Most men fail at this but the juice is worth the squeeze. Do something big and the women will follow.

In Conclusion

An addiction to pornography keeps a man from ever doing anything truly phenomenal with his life. If you want to take your life to new levels expel it from your life and let a desire for women drive you to accomplish great things.

CJ Henderson is a self-development guru who uses practical advice to bring massive life transformations. He is committed to helping others find their higher purpose. To find more about CJ see Change For the Best

To ensure your emotional health is at the top, and your despair is at the bottom see Live Life to the Fullest

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Drug Rehabilitation Steps

Has a drug addiction taken over your life? Have you been unable to live your life to the fullest or pursue your dreams due to a drug addiction? Have your friends and family been worried about you due to a drug problem? If you answered yes to any of the previous questions, reading the following steps would be a great path to start your journey for recovery.

The first thing you need to do is tell yourself that you have a problem that needs to be fixed. If you don't believe you have a problem, then the process will be much harder if not impossible to complete. Analyze where you are currently in your life and where you'd like to be. Think about the dreams you have, and that your addiction is your biggest obstacle in your way and needs to be removed.

Once you have admitted to yourself that you have a problem, the next step is to figure out a way to stop using that drug. Whether the drug is marijuana or gambling, it doesn't matter you will need support and advice. The first support that is recommended is to talk to your family and friends. Releasing your emotions is a very important part of drug rehab. Keeping all of them inside is dangerous and will only make things harder.

Often times the person who has a drug addiction believes they are the first person in their family to have that addiction, this is not always the case. The families history should be reviewed, and if a drug addiction is found it could take some weight off of the persons back as not being the first in the family to have an addiction.

After you have spoken to your family and/or friends, it may be time to find an addictions counselor who can offer professional advice. This is the part where you start your physical and emotion recovery. The counselor will listen to you and offer their best opinion, which could anything from group support to be sent to a treatment center.

Recovering from an addiction is a very long journey and if you are reading this it means you're in the right direction. Don't let anything take over your life, start your recovery process right now before it becomes too late and you lose everything. From this point on things can only get better for you.

If you have followed these steps and are truly ready to take back your life, please visit the website:

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Airlines Passengers May Need Alcohol Awareness Classes

One of the main problems that the airlines face on a daily basis is the human element. Passengers, airport employees, and the different airline employees can make the human element quite complicate but necessary to keep things on time. Unfortunately, it usually doesn't turn out that way. Of all these people, it's drunken and unruly passengers that cause the most flight delays.

Many people don't believe that it should be necessary to institute alcohol awareness classes for airline passengers. Once it's examined though, you'll see there would be several benefits for both the passenger and the airline.

Some of these benefits include lower fees for tickets. This would be because the flights wouldn't have to be delayed due to a passengers drunken ramblings or arguments. That would make the airlines run smoother, more efficiently, and in the end, save the consumer money.

By instituting alcohol awareness classes for airline passengers it would improve safety. The safety of all the passengers aboard every plane on the ground or in the sky is the top priority of every airline. By pushing alcohol awareness classes forward, the airlines would be able to lower fees by issuing fewer Air Marshall's. It would also give the passengers a sense of safety in an unknown and confined situation. That feeling of security is worth far more than the hassle of alcohol awareness classes.

It would also help those struggling with drinking to not drink while on the plane, or on the ground before their flight. It will give them the tools they need to limit or stop drinking altogether. That bi-product would cut down flight rage exponentially, making everyone's flight smoother and more enjoyable. The classes should also inform the passenger about the possibilities of being tossed off the plane or even charged with interfering with the duties of a flight attendant when acting inappropriately due to alcohol.

Becoming an angry drunk is quite common when dealing with the stresses of a bustling airport. A passenger that has gone into a drunken rage can go after not only airline personnel but also their fellow passengers. As you can see, alcohol awareness for airline passenger's classes can be vital to a safe and smooth flight.

There are a few downsides in instituting alcohol classes for airline passengers. The first is the hit to sales that airport bars will be inflicted with. Cutting their alcohol sales could be detrimental to businesses and potentially the airport. The one other down side is determining how the costs will be covered. Will the passenger be responsible for the cost, or will the airline?

Only one class is needed for each passenger, and the fees could even be split by the airlines. But, looking at the rising prices of bringing baggage onto a plane, who knows how the airline would take care of the pricing.

Overall, alcohol awareness classes for airline passengers have had its ups and downs. It must be admitted though, that there are many more pros than cons with this idea. At 35,000 feet, safety is the primary concern.

Dr. Ari Novick is the President of A website dedicated to educating people about alcohol and drug awareness. Click here for more information on Alcohol Awareness Classes

Dr. Ari Novick also provides world class online Minor in Possession Classes

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12 Step Programs And The Alternatives

A 12 step program is designed to help people recover from their addiction problems. It is a program that outlines a course of action that should be taken to reach ones goal of becoming addiction free. It can best be described as a guiding set of principles.

12 Step Programs Effectiveness

Now that we have went over the 12 steps I bet you are wondering how effective it actually is. Research shows that after a year only 5 percent of the people that start on it continue with it. In reality, it isn't much more effective than any other alternative. The primary benefit that you get from these meetings is a support group; however, if you have friends that are willing to help you out with your addiction problem, I think that they would be a much better alternative. The main thing that you need to admit to yourself is that you have a problem and you just have to commit to resolving it. The 12 step program takes the power out of your hands and puts the power in the hands of God. Personally, I don't think that you should look at yourself as some powerless individual because that is not true at all.

The fact that you are even looking into 12 step programs shows that you have more power than you even realize. It means that you are looking for a solution, and YOU were the one to make that decision. With that said, I absolutely believe that you should have faith in God to reward you for all of your hard work during your journey to sobriety but I don't think that it's fair to ask him to do all of the work for you.

Alternatives To 12 Step Programs

To start, I don't think that you should feel like your by yourself on your path to sobriety. I think one of the first things you should do is go to a friend or family member that you trust and admit to them that you have a problem. Let them know what your situation is and tell them that you need help. By help, let them know that you just mean their support and understanding. Let them know where you are at now in your life and where you would like to be( which is sobriety). You will be surprised by how willing people are to help and you can keep them updated with your progress. Also ask them if there's anything that they would like to improve on in their life. And create an action plan to help each other out. Part of your action plan can consist of some of the following alternative methods to the 12 step program.

Smart Recovery

The Smart Recovery approach focuses on teaching you self-empowerment and self-reliance. They provide meetings that are educational and supportive. They also include open discussions and teach techniques for self-directed change.

They focus on four main points:

1: Enhancing and Maintaining Motivation

2: Coping with Urges

3: Managing Thoughts, Feeling and Behaviors

4: Living a Balanced Life

Rational Recovery

The basis for this program is based on recognizing and conquering what the program refers to as the "addictive voice." The Addictive Voice Recognition Techniques attempt to demonstrate that you are in control of the addictive voice and not the other way around. The Rational Recovery method does not regard addiction as a disease but as a voluntary behavior.

The program is offered on the internet through books, videos, and lectures.

LifeRing Secular Recovery

This program emphasis that the addicts mind is split in two. On one side you have your addict self and on the other you have your sober self. Essentially, these are two voices that you have. The goal of this recovery program is to make your sober voice stronger by making it interact with other sober voices in meetings.

Secular Organization for Recovery

This program was specifically designed for those who are uncomfortable with the spiritual nature of the 12 step programs. SOS, also known as "Save Our Selves" credits the individual for maintaining his own sobriety rather than a higher power.

In conclusion, I recommend that you chose the program that is the best fit for you. All of the methods mentioned above are great alcohol and drug treatment programs. Furthermore, the best drug rehab programs are the ones that you feel most comfortable with because those are the ones that are going to get through to you the most.

I would also like to state that the recovery programs I mentioned above are not limited to drug and alcohol addicts. They are meant to get rid of any kind of addiction you may suffer from.

For more information on drug treatment programs and alternatives go to

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Why There Is A Need For Inpatient Rehabilitation

Substance abuse is a huge problem in today's society. Addiction is a horrible disease that is indiscriminate in those it affects. Once an addiction is so extreme there are few options for full recovery. This is why there are substance abuse rehabilitation centers that offer inpatient rehabilitation for those who are addicted to drugs, alcohol, or both.

There are many kinds of addictions, the most common surround drugs and alcohol. An addiction takes over a person's life. Not only does an addiction affect their body physically, it affects relationships with family and friends and has a major impact on the mental health and status of an addict.

One of the first steps in rehabilitation is the detoxification process. This process is usually conducted under the supervision of a medical team. It allows an addict's body to cleanse itself from the harmful effects of drugs. Addictions are fed by the body's need to have that drug in order to function properly. Detox is not a fun process; it is often dangerous and can have serious consequences. This is why it's so important to have medical supervision.

Once an individual suffering from an addiction, be it drug abuse or alcohol abuse, goes through detox, the real recovery can begin. Rehabilitation comes from the French, to live, so basically it is teaching people how to live again. Those who suffer from addiction have been living their life solely for their addiction. Once that is taken away they need to find a renewed purpose and need to learn how to function again in society. Rehabilitation helps them accomplish this.

Counseling is an integrative part of rehabilitation. Counseling helps the recovering addict cope with the feelings that lead them to addiction. Often times those suffering from a substance abuse problem have a co-occurring disorder such as post-traumatic stress disorder or depression.

Therapy can be conducted in a variety of settings. There is group therapy where addicts, as a group, will cope with feelings of addiction and withdrawal. There is also individual therapy which is similar to counseling but a more intensive level. There are different approaches to therapy as well. Sometimes people choose a more holistic approach.

The only way to a successful recovery is to fully complete an addiction recovery program. Completion does not mean when the inpatient rehab is over. Aftercare refers to the care after inpatient treatment that deals with addiction issues. It is important for those in recovery to seek these services out and use them. They will continue the education process regarding recovery and instill more tools and resources that will lead to a successful recovery and a happy healthy life.

When it comes to kicking addiction, inpatient rehabilitation is the surest way to go. The tools and resources provided in the rehabilitation center are invaluable and will last a lifetime. In addition to the tools and resources, friendships are made. This type of recovery will allow for a safe medical detox in conjunction with counseling and therapy. Anyone suffer from an addiction should seek help, it could save their life.

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Top 5 Drug Addiction Causes In Teens - Things You Must Be Aware Of As A Parent

As a parent it is important to stay up to date on topics such as teen drug usage to see what your child may encounter in his/her teenage years.

Much of today's youth's drug usage begins with peer pressure and the need to want to fit in and be like everyone else. By the time your child reaches the age of 18 there is about a 70 percent chance that your child has been offered some kind of drug in his/her life time. There is about a 15 percent chance that he/she has actually tried some sort of drug at one point. For the most part, teenagers are curious and rebellious so they tend to experiment. Cigarettes, alcohol, and marijuana are the most common and the most accessible.

With this said, it is important that you get to know your child's group of friends so that you have an idea about what type of people they are associating with. Studies show that we are like the five people we hang out with the most. If you look at the five people closest to you, you will find yourself. It is crucial that you prepare your child for the peer pressure that they are sure to experience. You may want to give them different scenarios and ask them for their response in such a situation.

Another factor that causes drug addiction in teens is a poor family life. People that are unhappy at home are three times as likely to become addicted to drugs or start using them than someone who experiences a healthy living environment. The reason for this is that they start using drugs to escape the emotional pain they are experiencing and drugs work for that. If you feel like the living situation you are in at the moment is affecting your child, make sure that you talk to them about it and do something to help them cope with the situation.

Some teens feel like they can only be confident and happy with the consumption of drugs and alcohol, that is why it is important that you give them proper praise whenever they do something good. Make sure you acknowledge them for achievements, even if they are small. A simple, "good job," can go a long way to build confidence and self-esteem in your child.

Furthermore, steroids are becoming more and more popular among high schoolers. With all the actors and actresses in perfect shape, we all tend to think that being like that is normal. Teenagers look up to these people more than anyone. This is why a lot of females experience eating disorders and why a lot of males start taking steroids. They want to have the perfect body in the shortest amount of time possible. Unfortunately, a lot of teenagers don't see steroids as being as detrimental to their health as marijuana or other drugs. A lot of teenagers start taking them with the intention of quitting when they get the body they want. They figure that because it isn't an addictive drug that they will be able to do so. However, due to the fact that once you quit using them, you lose a lot of muscle mass, a lot of people tend to get back on them when they notice themselves getting smaller. They cycle on and off of them and over time this can cause extreme irreversible health problems.

The last, most common cause of drug addiction among teens and others is that it starts off as medication. The most common type of drug that starts off as medication are pain killers. Pain killers can be extremely addictive and hard to break away from once you are on them. The addiction to these drugs kind of sneak up on you. If you know your child is taking them for some kind of injury they experienced make sure you are monitoring their usage and cutting them off when you feel appropriate. What happens is that people get so used to taking them that they end up needing them just to feel normal. Once the normal dosage stops doing the trick they end up taking more and more.

With all this said, it is important that you talk to your children about drugs and their effects on the body and mind. Make sure you educate them properly. A lot of parents make the mistake of thinking their children are too young to speak with them about drugs but they aren't. You should talk to them about it as soon as possible and set a good example for them. Show them pictures of what drugs do to people and give them as much information about them as possible.

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The Truth About a Drug Rehab Center

There are not too many people who have experience with a drug rehab center, and thus they have a pretty inaccurate picture of what is actually happening inside of one on a day to day basis.

You see, it is no surprise that Hollywood has tried to exploit the idea of a drug rehab center incorrectly, just as they have tried to exploit the premise of doing a lot of drugs and nothing going wrong.

Sure, there are exceptions in a lot of films where people die of a drug overdose, or their life trails away and fades due to the risk of drugs. But, more often than naught, audiences are treated to depictions of drug and debauchery where everything turns up okay, and the crazy individual still gets praised no matter who they hurt.

The truth of a drug addict often looks more like this: Lose your possessions, lose your friends, lose your mind. It's just that the painful attributes of addiction, if repeated over and over on screen do not sell tickets so well.

Well, what does go on then, if movies are so far off base?

To be honest, it is not the difference of what as it is the difference of how.

For instance, during the detox stage of rehab, one spends painstaking hours in sweats, feeling as if their heart is about to burst. They throw up repeatedly until there is nothing left inside themselves but hollow hunger pangs. This last for hours on end, and a movie generally shows a thirty second clip of the viscera and moves on. It is far more intense, and appears far more life threatening in real life. On top of that movies always show therapy in stages, the entertaining ones, and, again, not the hours on end that people spend awkwardly admitting what they have done and working at relationships. A lot of times in rehab, movies make it seem like everyone is instantly one big family. We are sorry to say that is just not accurate to what happens.

The truth of the matter is that addiction to drugs or alcohol is a disease and should not be seen otherwise. Sure, someone who has lived through an addiction is certain to have made their fair share of enemies, and having projected a lot of wrong doing onto others. However, if those others do not come to terms with the fact that individual was battling a demon they couldn't control and living a life they could not realize, they may miss out on the recovery of a dear friend. That is the true aim of most every drug rehab center. Not just to get someone a second chance, or to get them free of their drug, but to reacquaint them to the people who they wronged. It is to give friends and family members their loved one back. Each and every patient turned successfully out of a drug rehab center is a testament to such a cause.

Alice is a nurse for a drug rehab center with a passion for treating alcohol addiction. Visit to learn more.

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What Is An Addiction? Is Addiction A Brain Disease Or Is It Not?

Addiction is a huge problem that many people in our society have to deal with, but what exactly is an addiction? An addiction is the compulsive need that someone feels the urge to fulfill. In this article we will go over a variety of different types of addiction. Many people feel that it is a disease of the brain, others feel the exact opposite. Both sides make some good points, and both may be right. To some degree, addiction makes use of your brain chemistry, however, a lot of it has to do with your developed or learned personality.

Addiction Definition: To occupy oneself with or involve oneself in something compulsively or habitually no matter what negative consequences it may result in.


The primary reason why people do anything that's bad for them more than once is because they get some sort of enjoyment out of it.

Types of Addiction

- Addiction of Sex - People with this type of addiction exhibit a heightened sense of sexuality. They get uncontrollable sexual urges.

- Addiction of Gambling - People with this type of addiction can't fight the urge to place a bet. It is an impulsive urge that they get. Gambling is an impulse control disorder. They know the odds are against them;however, they still place the bet. People addicted to gambling keep pushing forward whether they're up or down.

- Addiction of Smoking - This is when someone has formed an uncontrollable dependency on cigarettes. Their are a couple of factors that go into forming this addiction but the main factor is the substances in cigarettes. Nicotine is the main chemical used in cigarettes and studies have found that it is a very addictive chemical.

- Addiction of Video Games - This is an excessive use of video or computer games. People who are addicted to video games tend to isolate themselves from the rest of society. They focus on their video game achievements more than anything else.

- Addiction of Food - This addiction deals with a persons obsessive relationship to food. People with food addiction typically have a series of binging episodes. These episodes are usually followed by feeling of guilt and depression. People who suffer from this addiction eat when they aren't hungry.

There are many types of addiction, the list is not limited to the ones listed above. The one's listed above are the most common, but they are not the only ones.

Many people ask the question, is addiction a disease or a choice? There has been a debate over the subject for many years by medical professionals. Still, a definite conclusion hasn't been reached.

For more information on types of addiction and what they are go to

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Getting Treatment For A Meth Addiction

There are many psychological and physical effects a person encounters when the begin treatment for an addiction to methamphetamines. Normally, the most effective way to get a person off meth successfully begins with a detoxification period. This usually takes place, under the supervision of doctors, in a hospital or treatment facility. The detoxification process will rid the user's body of all methamphetamine. After this, a recovering addict will enter into rehabilitation center where they can begin their aftercare program.


Methamphetamines have become wildly popular in recent years. It is an incredibly addictive substance that offers similar effects to that of cocaine. It rapidly increases a person's heart rate and decreases their appetite. In the United States, the possession or consumption of methamphetamine is illegal and punishable by imprisonment. Still, many American's continue to risk their health and freedom everyday by using this drug.


There are many negative consequences an individual can experience with an addiction to meth. Paranoia, impaired judgment, and violence are all common effects of use. It is vital that anyone who has developed a dependency to methamphetamines seeks treatment as soon as possible in order to avoid devastating, long-term consequences. The goal of treatment is to get a person off of meth and to illustrate to them how being sober is a much healthier lifestyle.


Unfortunately, meth is easily and cheaply produced in many areas of the country. Meth can be snorted, smoked or injected. Any of these ingestion methods can cause rapid addiction. Meth addiction does not discriminate between sex, financial status, or race. Anyone who uses meth recreationally can become addicted before they realize it. Meth abuse has quickly become a very serious public health issue in the United States of America.


Meth use and abuse has also become more and more prevalent amongst young people. Young people associate meth with feelings of euphoria and gravitate towards using the drug when going out at night. This thinking can lead to many gruesome realities for individuals who do not think meth use is a big deal. In order for young people to become educated about the inherent dangers of recreational methamphetamine use society needs to illuminate the ways this drug is dangerous. Since meth addiction can take a stranglehold on people's lives so quickly it is nearly impossible for a person to kick the habit without professional help. That is why seeking drug addiction treatment is so vital.

With proper medical care anyone can overcome an addiction to methamphetamine. Although the road to sobriety is not always easy, it is essential if an individual is intent on taking their lives back. If a person does not seek help in a timely manner for an addiction to meth it is very probable they will eventually wind up in prison or dead. In a treatment facility, an individual suffering from an addiction can get the meth treatment and meth detox they so desperately need.

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Can Brain Wave Entrainment Take Away The Pain Of Withdrawal When You Stop Smoking?

You are doing something repeatedly that could claim your life and those around you.
You want to quit, you need to stop, but it's difficult.
Your lack of control--your craving is calling the shots.
You have an addiction.

Smoking and the nicotine it supplies to your brain and body are slowly taking you out.

Can brain wave entrainment help you stop smoking without having withdrawal?

How Did You Become Addicted In The First Place?

Smoking, amongst a host of other activities, can be an unconscious way to control feelings and moods that make you feel anxious...or it could be you started smoking because it made you feel cool. Either way, it owns you.

That first drag, in particular, can give you an illusion of relaxation.

I used to have to have a smoke when I needed to "think" or "get away" from an emotion that overwhelmed me. I used smoking as a "pause" button--a break from reality. The trouble with that is, is that those "pauses" were more pleasureable than reality--at least in the beginning--and there were more and more of them.

As you engage in smoking, repeatedly, your brain will associate this behaviour with the release of dopamine--a feel good chemical--as a reward. If you do something over and over again, the brain will treat you with a pleasurable sensation--an "aha". This is what addicts sell their soul for.

With smoking, you continue inhaling your drug called nicotine, and the brain starts cutting back on the dopamine. Your brain knows you'll keep on doing the behaviour so it doesn't need to hand out the goods as often. Now you need to smoke more, take in more nicotine to get the "reward" you originally received.

You are so physically and emotionally addicted at this point, it isn't even funny.
You are so physically and emotionally addicted at this point, it isn't even funny.

You immediately feel a drop in dopamine when you don't smoke for a little as two hours, and you go into withdrawal. Your brain is holding the dopamine hostage until you light up another smoke.

The subconscious mind carries out habitual patterns of behaviour like smoking and is also your emotional home. That same subconscious mind feels no sympathy for you and will actually direct your body to feel the need to light and inhale that cigarette. It knows when it's time for another and it nags at you until you put that smoke in your mouth. It uses both physical and emotional blackmail you.

So The Key To Quitting Is To Convince The Subconscious Mind That It's Time To Quit

The only way to change the subconscious mind is to address it where it hangs out, along the alpha-theta brain wave frequency. It is here that new neural pathways, new programming can occur and old, bad programming can shrivel up and die.

Using Brain Wave Entrainment Will Help You Reprogram Your Mind

Brain wave entrainment occurs when an outside stimulus, in this case sound, is introduced to the brain in a repetitive manner promoting a brain wave frequency pattern. The brain will mimic that frequency pattern very naturally.

Specifically designed sessions can induce a shift in consciousness that is conducive to changing the behaviour of a smoker. A wonderful side-effect of entrainment is that the brain will also release natural hormones and pleasure feeling chemicals at the same time as it builds new networks.

Brain wave entrainment can take away the pain of withdrawal, eliminating it, and help you stop smoking. Click here now for "Help For Nicotine Withdrawal" and become a non-smoker. Don't forget to download your FREE 30 minute Mp3 GIFTS in binaural beats and isochronic tones.

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Heroin Group Counseling Aids Recovery

The scientific name for heroin is diamorphine. It is extracted from the dried milk of the opium poppy (Papaver somniferum). Diamorphine does not naturally occur in opium poppies but is manufactured from morphine, a natural opiate. Of all the opiates, heroin has the most addictive potential. Heroin group counseling is part of a multi-step process in drug rehabilitation.


After the initial euphoria, followed by feeling calm and relaxed, diamorphine makes the user feel drowsy. Their pupils constrict, speech becomes slurred, attention is impaired and the user feels detached. It may also result in headache, vomiting and mood disturbances. This is a Class A drug, meaning that even possessing it is illegal and may lead to a prison sentence. Being illegal, it is manufactured in less than controlled conditions and cut with any number of obnoxious agents in varying proportions. It is impossible to predict what strength is being supplied and it is easy to overdose.

Short Lived

The buzz from the drug is short-lived. Tolerance builds up quickly. Very soon, larger amounts are needed and more frequently to maintain the same high and to avoid the painful and unpleasant side effects of withdrawal. Eventually, the body becomes so dependent upon the drug that larger and larger amounts need to be taken just to feel 'normal', never mind high and euphoric.

Bodily Damage

Paradoxically, despite being dependent on the drug, it has many negative effects on the body. It can damage the blood vessels, leading to thrombosis and abscesses, which can go on to become gangrenous. Gangrene can spread to the brain, bones and heart and can also lead to amputation of a limb. A leading British scientific journal rated diamorphine the single most harmful of twenty popular recreational drugs, both in terms of its addictive potential and the amount of physical damage it produces.


Users who don't die from an overdose or from one of the other serious complications of using the drug may decide they have had enough and to clean up their life. Stopping on their own can be next to impossible because of the painful effects of withdrawal. Common symptoms include headache, vomiting, shakes, sweats and severe muscular pains.


Many users will go to a detox treatment center for help getting the drug physically cleared from the body. This may involve being prescribed substitutes like methadone and other forms of support to make withdrawal easier. Some people choose to undergo 'cold turkey', which is complete cessation of the drug without medical support.

Life After Detox

After detoxification, the next step is learning how to live without the drug, the emotional side. One of the strengths of residential treatment centers is they physically remove the recovering addict from the physical and psychological cues that trigger the drug seeking behavior to begin with. This also provides practice at developing relationships with people who do not take drugs.

Once the residential phase of rehabilitation is complete, heroin group counseling is very useful for helping people to maintain a drug-free lifestyle. Recovering addicts can provide moral support for each other as well as additional practice at interacting with non-drug users. With dedication and a lot of help from friends, family and the medical community, it is possible to come back from heroin addiction and heroin detox to live a productive, normal life.

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Getting Inspiration From Recovered Addicts

Testimonials of survival and triumph in tough situations are great motivators. Looking at where you are and where you're trying to go, it's hard to imagine how to get there. The finish line on your journey always seems so far away. I have heard and seen countless stories of extreme weight loss, with people losing hundreds of pounds, and it baffles me how they were able to discipline themselves and persevere until they reached their weight loss goal. It's really tough situations like those that can seem the most hopeless - until someone comes along and proves that it's possible. Like any success story, hearing how a former addict kicked the habit is an encouragement that if he or she did it, you can do it too.

Recovering from addiction is an awesome achievement, and it's certainly not easy. Every day that a former addict survives drug- or alcohol-free is a testament to his or her sheer will and determination. We can gain strength from theirs. In group discussions that occur in organizations like Alcoholics Anonymous, the stories of addicts are told; and those who are farther along or who have been sober the longest are a shining example of the road ahead. Their stories give hope to those who are only seeing the darkness and not the light at the end of the tunnel.

Words Have Power

Some former addicts are inspired to write books and blogs or speak publicly about how they won their personal battle with drugs and alcohol, and I firmly believe that words have power. They may not realize the power they have to change someone else's life through their testimony. Success stories are empowering, both to the listeners and the ones telling them. We glean inspiration from people through their transparency, because suddenly we realize that we all face obstacles and struggle with something. So a former addict might be talking about overcoming alcohol addiction, but unknowingly they're giving hope to someone who's struggling with drug addiction, a physical illness or weight problems.

Former First Lady Betty Ford is remembered as a strong example of a woman who battled alcohol and prescription drug addiction and won. Her decision to quit and to use her public platform to motivate others to quit inspired the planting of the Betty Ford Memorial Garden outside of the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum. Though she is deceased, Betty Ford is still impacting the lives of struggling addicts.

They appreciate her honesty and courage and have been inspired by her to get sober and maintain their sobriety. Betty Ford is a champion for women, but every person who has ever beaten the odds against addiction has a story to tell that will help someone else to be victorious.

There are also inspiring stories by Todd Zalkins, Amy Lee Coy and others who hit bottom and recovered.

Read Addiction Recovery Interviews with famous authors such as Patty Holloran, Todd Zalkins and others at

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Addiction Recovery - The Influence Of A Friend

"Carmel" (not her real name) is a recovering alcohol and other drug addict. She recently came to see me when she fell off the wagon. We are doing the treatment with EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), chakra balancing, Reiki, and some chakra colour therapy, and she is responding well. In our session, an important aspect came up that I want to talk about today. This aspect is an important one for both addicts and those who care for addicts. I hope it helps you or someone you care about.

It transpired that Carmel had recently taken on a new flatmate. This flatmate was vetted very carefully. Even in the advertisement for the room, Carmel clearly stated that she wanted someone who did not take drugs and was not a big drinker. But, as soon as she relaxed into the household, Carmel´s new flatmate started openly smoking marijuana and drinking more than the average person. Carmel soon became influenced by this new friend who engaged in these activities in her own front room (and let´s face it, it is impossible to ignore the smell of someone smoking pot in their own bedroom anyway). She finally took a toke of a joint. This led to another, and more, and before you know it, Carmel, who was a teetotal, was getting seriously drunk with this lady.

Part of our treatment was about the possibilities of looking for a replacement flatmate. Another possibility we thought of during the treatment was to tell the flatmate that she must under no circumstances let Carmel have any marijuana or alcohol. We investigated the pros and cons of different courses of action, so that Carmel will be better-prepared to deal with this.

It is important for a recovering drug addict to be in an environment where they are not regularly exposed to and offered drugs, be it alcohol or any other drug that they had a problem with. This is why so many addicts in recovery break with their old drug friends and work hard to make new, clean, friends. The Law of Attraction also comes into it. Someone said that we are like our 5 closest friends. So it is important for anyone in recovery to surround themselves by people who are clean, or at least by people who are doing their best to be or become clean.

Eventually, I believe that Carmel has to replace the flatmate, but of course, that is Carmel´s decision. Right now, she needs the money and needs to become stable, before she is strong enough again to advertise and interview potential flatmates, let alone tell the existing one to leave. Our treatment has already resulted in Carmel going back to her Alcoholics Anonymous/Narcotics Anonymous meetings, and this is already helping her balance the negative influence from her flatmate with positive influences from people who are clean or trying their best to be. Carmel´s challenge is a daunting one, but she can pull out of this, one day at a time.

© Suzanne Zacharia 2011. My name is Suzanne Zacharia and I am committed to spreading the word about ways to improve your health, happiness, success, and lifestyle. Want to use this article? You can, as long as you credit me with it and invite your readers to get my FREE book "7 Real Truths of Energy Psychology" at or my free course "5 Days To Change Your Life" at

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MIP Classes Help Alcohol Awareness Issues on College Campuses Nationwide

Alcohol awareness classes are not part of the regular curriculum for most colleges anywhere in the Untied States. Ironically, it's colleges and universities that have some of the highest binge drinking and alcohol related accidents in the United States. Many suggest that drug and alcohol awareness classes would be able to cut back on the use and abuse of alcohol and drugs. If it were to be made a required national standard, some suggest the graduation rate could grow anywhere from 10 to 25%.

The classes that the students take would open their minds to new options and opportunities to know how to deal with the pressure of drug use around friends. Alcohol abuse among college students is the number one cause of failed classes and drop out-rates.

If you want to raise the chances of becoming a successful college graduate, then taking drug and alcohol education classes are a must. There are more and more colleges and universities that require a drug and/or alcohol course for their general education classes. Unfortunately, this isn't a national requirement for all colleges, it's simply an option that can be implemented at the colleges discretion.

Not only does it help the students fight peer pressure when faced with drugs and alcohol, it gives them the ability to see when their friends are in serious need of intervention. It educates them with the tools they'll need to help themselves and their friends when, or if, they fall victim to a drug and alcohol addiction. With the tools afforded to them from these courses, they'll be able to know how to avoid harmful situations that could end up ruining their college career.

There have been multiple studies that prove it can be necessary for college students to go out. Being able to blow off a little steam and relax a little bit, can be absolutely necessary to keep a healthy learning mindset. Without relieving the stress that builds up from trying to keep ahead of all the classes, a student can go into academic overload. This type of overload on any student can cause him or her to falter in nearly every class. Blowing off stem is necessary, but still must be done in moderation.

Not only do the students benefit from alcohol and drug awareness courses, but the faculty does as well. When a school is known for alcohol and drug awareness and prevention, it can easily become known as a reputable school capable of a clean and reliable record of success.

If the teachers and students are certified in alcohol and drug awareness, then it will raise the effectiveness of the classes. The teachers who are educated in drug and alcohol awareness will be less likely to fall into the pit of addiction, making clearer speakers and better instructors.Alcohol related deaths can be viewed here. Even prestigious schools such as Boston University have had deaths associated with problem drinking

The MIP classes will also help the students become aware of what dangerous situations will look like and how to get out of them as quickly as possible. If the entire faculty of the school, as well as the students, are required to take alcohol drug classes, it will create an added sense of togetherness, wisdom, and prevention. That alone will draw a larger population of students and increase the school and students reputation for graduation.

Dr. Ari Novick is the President of A website dedicated to educating people about alcohol awareness. Click here for more information on Alcohol Awareness Classes
Dr. Ari Novick also provides world class online Minor in Possession Classes

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Text Messaging Incorporated in Alcohol Abuse Treatment for Young Adults

Alcohol abuse treatment facilities have been known to have great success with helping those with alcoholism recover from their disease. There is one giant caveat of this success though, and that's getting them to admit that they have a problem and to enter treatment. How are you supposed to help someone change their detrimental and dangerous ways when they're not actively looking for help?

A new study designed at the Department of Emergency Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh is looking into how text messaging can be used as an alcohol abuse treatment tool to interact with young adults with the aim of reducing their alcohol consumption with special regard to decreasing binge drinking.

According to Dr. Brian Suffoletto, one of the authors of the study, "Each day in the U.S., more than 50,000 adults 18 to 24 years of age visit hospital Emergency Departments, and more than one-third report current alcohol abuse or dependence. Thus, Emergency Departments provide a unique opportunity to both identify young adults with harmful or hazardous drinking behavior and intervene to reduce future injury and illness."

The text messaging interaction can begin once a young adult admitted into the Emergency Department at a hospital displays signs of alcohol-related problems. Dr. Suffoletto and his staff see this as a unique opportunity for intermediary alcohol abuse treatment as their research indicates that text messaging is not only an effective way to collect data on a young adult's drinking habits but also can provide feedback and continued support to them.

The basis of this research is centered around the fact that most young adults have cell phones and text messaging has evolved into a primary communication tool, so the team at the University of Pittsburgh "sought to build and test an automated text messaging system that could conduct a health dialogue with young adults after discharge," according to Dr. Suffoletto.

This is the first study of its kind to attempt to use text messaging as a behavioral modification tool of alcohol abuse treatment and could be quite revolutionary if proven effective. The researchers feel that an individual being admitted into an Emergency Department of a hospital is a severe enough incident that it can be used as a teachable moment to communicate the dangers of continued alcohol abuse with regard to sustaining or causing alcohol-related injuries or illnesses.

If nothing else, this study has already proven that text messaging is an effective way for doctors to reach and communicate with young adults after they've been discharged from a hospital, which is important in and of itself. Now they can only hope with continued studies that they can fine-tune their sentiment of alcohol abuse treatment in these messages to really effect change in these young adults.

Ben Brafman, LMHC, CAP is the President and CEO of Destination Hope, a licensed dual diagnosis substance abuse treatment center in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Ben has more than 20 years of experience in the addiction and mental health fields, which led him to develop a combination of innovative treatment protocols at Destination Hope. He has been published on various topics including dual diagnosis and chemical dependency, and gives back to the community by educating other addiction counselors at his Academy for Addiction Professionals.

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Alcoholism and Its Physical Stages

Alcohol is the intoxicating element in most fermented drinks. It is that addictive substance that keeps many people in bondage under its hold. Currently in the world today, there are many people who are under the grips of alcohol. Such people depend on it for their day to day survival. For alcohol addicts a day is never complete without real intake of greater quantity of alcoholic drink with high concentration.

Indeed alcohol dependency is very real in our world today. Many of the addicts who are into it cannot live with out it. Many have had their lives cut short as their condition eventually overwhelmed their very existence.

Generally, Alcohol Dependency is of two-fold nature namely:

Physical dependency on AlcoholPsychological dependency

Physical Dependency

Physical dependency on alcohol is when addicts lives his or her live daily on alcoholic intake. Such a person surrounds himself or herself with alcoholic drinks of all kinds. When you pay a visit to the house of such person, you'll discover all manner of alcoholic contents on his or her shelves and even in the bed room.

Psychological Dependency

Psychology dependency on alcohol has to do with the mind and thinking process of the individual. He or she believes and thinks that life is meaningless without constant intake of alcoholic drinks. Such a person has already conditioned his or her thinking solely on alcoholic substances and drinks.

Both physical and psychological dependency are interwoven. The psychological dependency on alcohol has to do with the mind but the physical dependency is actually very real. However, both are closely related. This is because; people go from the known to the unknown. Hence, psychological dependency is the after effect of physical dependency on alcohol.

Meanwhile, Alcohol Dependency of whichever kind has proper cure and approaches set aside to handle such cases. In the case of Physical dependency on alcohol, the best method used in checkmating it is the detoxification process. This is actually the process of removing those alcoholic substances from the reach of the addicts. The addicts are put in rehab centers very different from their homes. Such alcoholic drinks or substances are usually kept very far from the rehab homes.

In the same vein, psychological dependency on drug is handled through psychotherapeutic methods. One of the best avenues in the method is that of counseling therapy whereby the addicts are exposed to the dangers of their habit. They are also encouraged to desist from alcohol. Normally, they are taught step by step process on how to quit using alcohol.

However, the process of dealing with alcohol dependency is not always easy. The detoxification process is usually very demanding on the lives of the addicts. They usually experience, nausea, malaise, stomach pain, fever and all manner of feeling. This is because, when someone goes through the detoxification process, his or her body reacts having been conditioned to depend on alcohol. Well, that's the price to pay to be free from alcohol.

Jake B Author For Delray's Drug Rehab

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