Addiction to Pornography - Why Life Feels Like a Waste

Addiction to pornography is a real problem not only in our culture but throughout the entire world. The argument against the adult industry usually falls back on ethics and morality. While this is important I want to take an unbiased look on how pornography destroys your life and it is often the reason you aren't accomplishing big things.

Sex is Our World

Nearly all people with an addiction are men so I will tailor this report towards them. As men EVERYTHING we do revolves around sex. Let's think about how this makes our world go round. We want sex from gorgeous women 24/7. Women enjoy saying no to us 24/7. This is a thing of beauty if you think about it. Because women have the choice in who they sleep with men are forced to achieve great things to separate themselves from the pack. This is the reason that men have conquered lands, play in rock bands, and write new computer software that make millions; all in order to draw women into their lives.

Now there is nothing wrong with this as God made us this way. It is our choice to use our sexual drive in a productive way that helps accomplish our calling in this life. In Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich, Hill analyzes the lives of hundreds of the world's richest men. He states that the most powerful incentive is sex and these men learned to use, what he calls, sex transmutation. Simply put, taking your sex drive and desire for gorgeous women and letting it drive you to do great things. The kicker: this entails not losing your sexual energy from masturbation and pornography. It destroys your drive for greatness.

Fat and Happy

So now you see how powerful the drive for sex is and how it inspires men to achieve great things. Now it is time to look at how pornography destroys you and keeps you from ever doing big things in your life. When you masturbate and use pornography it releases the same chemicals in the brain as a man who has had sex. Because you are a "mouse click away" to the same high as sex you tend to become "fat and happy" and do not find it necessary to push yourself to new limits to attract women. Often times, men who have no drive or ambition have an addiction to the adult industry.

If you are sick and tired of porn and the depressing effect it has on your life then you can start taking action today! First, you have to set goals for yourself and know what you want in life. If you try to quit but have no reason for quitting your addiction tends to come back ten times stronger. Whatever your passion is pursue it with no remorse. God gives you a talent for something and that is usually your calling in this life. Now think how you will take your passion and let it turn into an abundance of women. Once you have a clear cut plan go after it and when temptation rears its ugly head remember your dreams. Most men fail at this but the juice is worth the squeeze. Do something big and the women will follow.

In Conclusion

An addiction to pornography keeps a man from ever doing anything truly phenomenal with his life. If you want to take your life to new levels expel it from your life and let a desire for women drive you to accomplish great things.

CJ Henderson is a self-development guru who uses practical advice to bring massive life transformations. He is committed to helping others find their higher purpose. To find more about CJ see Change For the Best

To ensure your emotional health is at the top, and your despair is at the bottom see Live Life to the Fullest

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