Can Brain Wave Entrainment Take Away The Pain Of Withdrawal When You Stop Smoking?

You are doing something repeatedly that could claim your life and those around you.
You want to quit, you need to stop, but it's difficult.
Your lack of control--your craving is calling the shots.
You have an addiction.

Smoking and the nicotine it supplies to your brain and body are slowly taking you out.

Can brain wave entrainment help you stop smoking without having withdrawal?

How Did You Become Addicted In The First Place?

Smoking, amongst a host of other activities, can be an unconscious way to control feelings and moods that make you feel anxious...or it could be you started smoking because it made you feel cool. Either way, it owns you.

That first drag, in particular, can give you an illusion of relaxation.

I used to have to have a smoke when I needed to "think" or "get away" from an emotion that overwhelmed me. I used smoking as a "pause" button--a break from reality. The trouble with that is, is that those "pauses" were more pleasureable than reality--at least in the beginning--and there were more and more of them.

As you engage in smoking, repeatedly, your brain will associate this behaviour with the release of dopamine--a feel good chemical--as a reward. If you do something over and over again, the brain will treat you with a pleasurable sensation--an "aha". This is what addicts sell their soul for.

With smoking, you continue inhaling your drug called nicotine, and the brain starts cutting back on the dopamine. Your brain knows you'll keep on doing the behaviour so it doesn't need to hand out the goods as often. Now you need to smoke more, take in more nicotine to get the "reward" you originally received.

You are so physically and emotionally addicted at this point, it isn't even funny.
You are so physically and emotionally addicted at this point, it isn't even funny.

You immediately feel a drop in dopamine when you don't smoke for a little as two hours, and you go into withdrawal. Your brain is holding the dopamine hostage until you light up another smoke.

The subconscious mind carries out habitual patterns of behaviour like smoking and is also your emotional home. That same subconscious mind feels no sympathy for you and will actually direct your body to feel the need to light and inhale that cigarette. It knows when it's time for another and it nags at you until you put that smoke in your mouth. It uses both physical and emotional blackmail you.

So The Key To Quitting Is To Convince The Subconscious Mind That It's Time To Quit

The only way to change the subconscious mind is to address it where it hangs out, along the alpha-theta brain wave frequency. It is here that new neural pathways, new programming can occur and old, bad programming can shrivel up and die.

Using Brain Wave Entrainment Will Help You Reprogram Your Mind

Brain wave entrainment occurs when an outside stimulus, in this case sound, is introduced to the brain in a repetitive manner promoting a brain wave frequency pattern. The brain will mimic that frequency pattern very naturally.

Specifically designed sessions can induce a shift in consciousness that is conducive to changing the behaviour of a smoker. A wonderful side-effect of entrainment is that the brain will also release natural hormones and pleasure feeling chemicals at the same time as it builds new networks.

Brain wave entrainment can take away the pain of withdrawal, eliminating it, and help you stop smoking. Click here now for "Help For Nicotine Withdrawal" and become a non-smoker. Don't forget to download your FREE 30 minute Mp3 GIFTS in binaural beats and isochronic tones.

Original article

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